Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Altador Cup and My Life

Hi! The Altador Cup has started, and I'm on Darigan Citadel this year! Today, I'm working toward my goal of 25 Yooyu ball wins, 10 Slushie Slinger Games, and 10 Make Some Noise Games. Cheer me on! Do the Wave, Irene!

Anyway, in my life it's been busy. Final exams in Orchestra today. Bring Oreo's to science class. Panda's Carin's boyfriend. Daddy Lars got married to Grandpa Jared. I sound like CNN. Whoo. Anywho, Blue's Clue's is on at 9:30 tonight, so other than that, I've got nothing to do. Finally, a random pic of Akita Neru.

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Welcome to my Blog!

Rarely updated and nuts!