Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Auto Mario Music

Epic? I think so.

Mimi: Mimi too.

Yeah. Mimi's making me blog about this.

Other Mimi approved vids:

Becky: So, Mimi, why do you like this video?

Mimi: The random poof in the middle.

Becky: You mean wear he goes into Phantom Thief 1412 mode?

Mimi: Yah!

Becky: Why do you like this one?

Mimi: Rock paper scissors.

Becky: That's it?

Mimi: No. Plus cat faces.

Mimi: Midna blinks a lot.

Becky: You are so weird.

Mimi: Hey look, Zant. Ooh! Midna's free from the paper realm.

Yup, for all of you who don't know, Mimi and I are major Zelda fans. I personally prefer the manga, because the games are really hard.

Becky: Hee. I love this song.

Mimi: Spinning!

Becky: Inspector Spin!

Mimi: No. Just no.

Well, this is the end of the Mimi special. To bad she looks mentally retarded because she won't talk. Actually, I had to edit everything she said so she didn't look like a 3 year old. Well, she growling at me now. See you again!

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